Looking to File an Appeal?

It is an unfortunate truth that not all criminal trials go as according to plan. Faulty police work, false assumptions, or a jury that already has the predisposition to believe that you are guilty of your crime can all lead to you being successfully convicted of a crime that you did not commit. If this is the case, you should not waste any time in securing the legal assistance of a Boise criminal lawyer at Charles Crafts, Attorney at Law. By evaluating your individual case, a skilled criminal defense attorney will be able to help you decide whether or not you are eligible for such a process.

Attorney Charles Crafts has seen too often someone convicted of a crime that they are innocent of. He is compassionate to the devastating ramifications that something of this nature can have on your life and will stop at nothing in his efforts to help you right the wrong that has been done to you. By going through your case with a fine-tooth comb, he will work tirelessly to make sure that your rights are protected and your future is defended against false charges.

Lawyer for Appeals in Boise, Idaho

If you suffered from a mishandled case or other legal error during your previous trial, you should not have to live the rest of your life saddled with the ramifications. Mr. Crafts has built a reputation as a creative, fearless trial attorney over the years and backed it up time and time again with favorable outcomes for his clients. If you choose to work with him in filing for an appeal, you can be confident that your future will be cared for and protected in every way possible.

For legal assistance in filing for an appeal, do not hesitate to contact a Boise appeal lawyer today.