

Crafts Law Inc. July 10, 2012

Drunk Driver Has Small Child in Front Seat

Recently, a 28-year old driver was arrested for drunk driving in Boise, Idaho. His occupant was a small child riding in the front passenger seat. A concerned citizen who reported him to police noticed that this driver had committed several traffic violations and saw his car swerving on the road. Police pulled over the vehicle around 2 a.m. and administered field sobriety and breath tests. The driver failed the field sobriety tests and the breath test registered a high level of intoxication. The authorities placed the child in safe custody. The driver was charged with a misdemeanor DUI. For endangering the child, he was additionally charged with a misdemeanor injury to a child.

State law allows for heavy punishments for DUI offenses, and when a young child is in the vehicle, it can lead to further legal ramifications, or problems in retaining custody of your child. Of course, the use of a designated driver or taking a taxi can protect you from the threat of criminal charges. There are also countless cases in which the accusation of DUI is false, and the evidence is flawed. As a conviction can mean suspension of your driver's license, payment of large fines, skyrocketing car insurance premiums, and other consequences depending on the severity of the incident, it is imperative that you have skilled defense counsel to take action to help you fight back.

For more information about DUI defenses and your legal options in DUI or DUI and child endangerment charges, contact Attorney Charles Crafts today.